On Jinn, Tall Tales and Night Terrors

Jinn exist. As Muslims we accept this as fact. The Quran dedicates a Surah to these otherworldly beings and the Hadith mention them with some frequency. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) even dedicated a mosque to the jinn right near Masjid al-Haram.

Unfortunately, most of us are all too familiar with exhausting amounts of fanciful tales regarding jinn that usually fall somewhere between wild imaginings and blatant superstition. An uncle of mine (may God rest his soul) had an insufferable habit of saying salaam to every breeze that passed through an open window. He also claimed to have traveled with a jinni companion numerous times. I suppose that’s more convenient than Uber, but I digress.

Of course, there are some stories that inspire a good deal of apprehension as well. If true, many of the popular films and novels about possessions and hauntings – The Exorcist, The Conjuring, The Entity, etc. – suggest the handiwork of malevolent jinn. Some of us even have our own stories that reveal something more than just tall tales.

A Christian friend of mine recently recounted his terrifying experience with what he referred to as a demonic presence years ago as a teenager. Apparently it involved actual physical harm. Now a film producer well into his 30’s, he could not finish the story without welling up in tears. One of the most startling aspects of his many encounters was suddenly seeing a ghastly figure of a man standing in the middle of a lonely, rural Texas highway while driving home. The apparition appeared out of nowhere. He couldn’t brake in time. Strangely enough, his old Mustang passed right through the figure. My friend turned to his then-high school sweetheart riding alongside him and asked if she had witnessed the ghastly man as well. Puzzled, she denied seeing anything. He was certain he was losing his mind. Ten years later she finally admitted she saw the apparition as well. She was simply too terrified to acknowledge it for all those years.

My own experiences are, at the very least, peculiar. Since my late teens and well into my twenties I routinely experienced night terrors. While it’s clinically defined as a sleep disorder, actual studies and findings are nebulous at best, especially when one digs deeper for causes (The documentary, The Nightmare, currently on Netflix is worth viewing. The production values are not great, but the stories provide sufficient explanations about the mystery of night terrors).

Night terrors usually occur when one is in a state of sleep paralysis. Most importantly, in almost all of my experiences and those of others my surroundings remained identical with ‘waking life’ so to speak. Unlike a typical nightmare or dream, one is fully aware and conscious. However, one simply cannot move. At best, I could pry open my eyes or twitch an arm or leg. Often this is when I would sense another presence in the room.

Not until I lived in a single-wide trailer on the outskirts of a rural, college town as an undergrad was I finally assailed by the full scope of night terrors. By most outward aspects at the time, I was a pretty degenerate college student, drinking, partying and pursuing the opposite sex with foolish, ignoble intentions. Inside that trailer though and in secret from most of my peers, I’d begun my lifelong pursuit of faith in all its various guises. Though I’d read the entire Quran in Arabic as a boy, my comprehension was exceedingly poor. I began to read as many English translations of the Quran I could find. At the time, I must have had at least five different translations of the holy book to cross-reference alongside innumerable works by notable scholars on Islam. I also began studying other religious traditions on my own and at the university – something that to this day has afforded me greater understanding of my own faith in Islam.

This is when I began routinely waking up into a state of sleep paralysis at odd hours of the night. Unable to move at all, strange, vaguely human shadows would appear along the periphery of my half-open eyes. These figures would grab at me, crush against me, stealing my composure and breath. The pressure was often unbearable. Worse, at times I’d feel molested, caressed in incredibly inappropriate ways. Only after considerable panic, was I able to shake myself fully and finally awake; that is, awake as we traditionally define it. Sometimes I would be so disconcerted and frightened, I would be forced to turn on my bedroom light and stay awake for the remainder of the night.

Understandably, the veracity of my experiences may leave some wanting. Nonetheless, I should perhaps detail my most horrifying, yet strangely enlivening night terror that occurred before a great shift occurred inside of me. On one particular night having exhausted myself from studying both for my degree in Philosophy and from my own pursuit of faith I woke up, yet again, in a state of sleep paralysis. Face down and on my stomach I felt some hopelessly strong, unnatural force driving itself into my back effectively pinning me down on my mattress. I could hear pages being rapidly flipped on my desk from the many religious books scattered there. And for the first and last time I heard a voice. Deep, unnatural and almost bestial in nature it simply said, ‘don’t believe.’

This time, however, I didn’t wake up terrified. I woke up emboldened, smiling even. I finally understood that whatever I was experiencing, I was doing something right. From this point forward I began putting my whole trust in God during these nightmarish episodes. And it worked. Every time I woke up in a state of sleep paralysis and felt the telltale signs of another presence I vehemently began to pray. Most often I would simply repeat Surah Fatiha until I could break out of this dejected state. It’s difficult to put into words, but the prayer formed a wall of protection around me and this wall only grew more fortified and impenetrable with each successive encounter.

In fact, I knew that it was over to a large degree when I had a final, most telling dream. In the dream (an actual dream), I sat upon a park bench on the edge of a vast, impenetrable pine forest. Slowly, dozens upon dozens of shadows emerged from the woods surrounding me. I continued to sit without fear, trusting God. They could do nothing. I felt victorious.

It’s as though these unnatural, negative forces unwittingly compelled me toward faith not away from it. Perhaps this is a part of God’s great wisdom for all that we suffer. Again, I was utterly helpless in those moments. My physical prowess meant absolutely nothing. I was young, strong, had boxed and wrestled for some time. None of that could avail me. Only my trust in God could.

Many people who have suffered from night terrors insist that fear fuels the encounters. As my fear decreased and my trust in God Almighty increased the attacks trickled down to nothing as did the actual episodes of sleep paralysis.

Are night terrors the result of insidious jinn? Obviously, I can’t say for certain, but if you were to force my proverbial hand I think there is much more at play than just one’s subconscious. The dreamscape is certainly filled with mysteries.

My own experiences certainly changed me though and for the better, at least, so I hope though God knows best. Every so often I still have a night terror. It can still be disconcerting, but it’s as though my very being retreats into my heart as I recite Surah Fatiha and am fortified by God Almighty. I can feel the prayer course through my spirit as it vanquishes any attempt at frightening or harming me.

For certain, in all those horrifying episodes I’d discovered something incredibly beautiful. In such moments of complete helplessness the only thing I could do is call upon God’s Power and Mercy – something we often neglect to do when our day-to-day life invades us with all its distress and distractions. Amen.




13 thoughts on “On Jinn, Tall Tales and Night Terrors

  1. Salams. i can’t believe I’m reading this!!!
    Something similar had happened to me few years back and I thought that perhaps that was some biological phenomena. I am a practicing Muslim AlhamdoLILAH. I live in Canada. There was a certain period in my life where I my whole life came to halt. I was jobless for almost 2 years. Even though i had post graduate degree and lots of international and canadian work experience, but nothing worked for me. Anyways, during that time I went through a phase of serious disbelief or just a naive anger towards Allah swt for putting me in that condition. I left namaz completely in those days and though not drinking or involved with girls but i was watching porn a lot on the internet. My life was in the lowest state – with respect to my condition of Iman as well as general socio-econo status.
    I was living in parents home, who were abroad. The home was a normal detached house of 4 bedroom, basement and good sized backyard. At night, this would be terribly scary for me. Specially watching Friday the 13th and Halloween series in my early childhood, has made ever-lasting imprint on my mind. I was around 30-35 but still would get scared like a child.

    So similar things started to happen to me. I had no clue what sleep paralysis was till i read this article. I recall i would wake up in night, by loud noise. Like men and women talking and loud laughters…at me. I felt like being tossed around, dropped down from a height. Things that would scare the shit out of you, but the problem is that you dont get to see any harm or bruises on your self the next morning. I thought perhaps I slept empty stomach and that’s why seeing all this. But this same experience continues the other night. And every night it gets more severe, more loud and more scary. So much that I would not sleep the rest of the night, would be in a fragile state throughout the day and wouldn’t want to enter my bedroom in the night.

    Anyways, I don’t recall the turning point. But I started visiting the masjid. Started praying regularly all of my prayers. Mostly praying at home with loud recitation of Quran. Started reciting Ayat Al Kursi, Surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Nas before sleeping. Getting rid of my filthy habit of watching porn was not easy. Its the worst addiction. But AlhamdoLILAH, I have been able to over come it. The fact that that I had to visit graveyard for burial of 2 persons may have had a catalyst effect. The realization that I will be laid in ground, covered with sand and then left alone by family members in the ground….this is a reality shock. It has to happen to all of us, may be some will go sooner than other, but everyone has to go. What happens in grave, so far only Islam has pictured that in the most detailed way. And I just hope that I leave this world with enough Iman to avoid any hardship in grave and ofcourse in Akhira. It has been 2-3 years and I have not experience those horrifying nights ever. I’m still in the same home.

    Moral of the story – everything happens by the will of Allah swt. If you fear Allah swt, if you ask Allah swt to help you, He will turn even the most darkest experience of your life into a positive one. Ofcourse, if your belief is that Allah is the Ultimate Power, is the Ultimate Decision Maker then only He can reverse anything. I beg Allah swt to keep me save from evils of Shaitan, this dunya, all kinds of knowledge and even from the evil that is in me. Ya Allah, take me from this world when im in the state of Iman and help me to succeed in this dunya and akhira as well. Ameen Ya Rabb.

    1. Salaams, my friend. I’m glad my piece was of some help! Keep fighting, keeping doing battle with vigilance, prayer and trust in God Almighty.

  2. Salam,
    Omg the uber part literally made me rotflol! Alhamdulillah He answered my prayers through your blog. Am facing what you faced and yeah its getting harder but i know He’s got ma back aye. Ameen. Anyways thanks and could you give some tips on how to relearn Islam ’cause there’s like so much resources these days Im not too sure where to start.

    1. Hey Salaams,

      I’m glad my blog has been of some help. One thing that’s alway helped me was to remember that answers are often predicated on the questions we are willing to ask. Also, when critically evaluating some work or argument, I try to really gauge what they’re assuming to be true when putting forth their respective ideas. I studied a good deal of philosophy as an undergrad and the very basic course I took on critical thinking has been a boon to my understanding all these years later.

      Two great books that I think help Muslims view Islam from a simpler, better vantage point are Huston Smith’s small book entitled, Islam: A Concise Introduction and The Sayings of Muhammad by Suhrawardy. Both are deceptively simple but full of wisdom. Often there is so much religious noise, especially within our own ‘Islamic’ communities, that it can be difficult, if not impossible to see things with clarity and insight.

      If you have any more questions feel free to ask away. I will do my best in my limited capacity to help :).

      1. i don’t even know if your gonna reply to this but I’ve been having night terrors for a few years now so I’ve become used to them but a few months ago they kept chanting “we love you we love you” and it kept getting louder. that chanting one happened once put ive had loads of night terrors but i always say i believe in Allah ad many times as i can to break free of the grasp. ive been trying really hard to break free of my porn addition and im 17. ive memorized some surahs but i cant seem to memorize the last few u need to finish salah, hopefully, i do before ramadan. is there anything i can do to stop these cuz ive slept in a mosque and still had a night terror, even in ramadan. hope u reply back

      2. I’m assuming you heard the chanting during a night terror during sleep, right? Use your prayers to God as an invitation to become more and more fearless during the episodes. Fear seems to very much factor into night terrors. The idea of fearing nothing but God Almighty then becomes a source liberation for us. We need not fear anything but God Almighty.

        As for porn, I understand your struggles and as a 17-year-old young man you must be bouncing off the walls with desire haha. So it goes. God Almighty commands us to be better for our own sakes. If spiritual success is the top of a mountain then porn and tossing off is dark, desperate pit. You cannot climb a mountain by digging yourself deep in a hole. Still, God’s Mercy and Forgiveness are always at hand. You’re seventeen. You better be playing sports, young man, or, at least, consistently working out. Use that sexual energy toward self-improvement. It’s a kind of power that you can harness rather than just foolishly waste away in front of a computer screen. Read my essay on desire here: https://thecrookedmuslim.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/dealing-with-lust-our-dumbest-desire/

  3. Salaam
    Thanks for your blog, I’ve had night terrors for all of my adult life, they are desperately frightening and recently finding them more difficult as I have starting disturbing my children during the night. Also find that I’m always fatigued in the day. My night terrors are always more frequent when I’m alone and this makes me fearful of those nights especially. Hope that I can get to where you are and make changes to my life that are contributing to my situation. Wanted to ask if you think that it would be worth seeing someone about removing evil spirits? Feels weird to ask. I did mention my night terrors to my GP a while ago, she suggested a psychiatrist for counseling, what are your thoughts??

    1. Salaams, Farida. I would say two things. Talk to a genuinely learned member of your community on Islam. By that I mean, not someone prone to dogma or silliness (beads, amulets and whatnot), but someone almost academic in their approach to faith. Perhaps a Quranic recitation is in order. Secondly, I would also suggest seeing a therapist perhaps even a sleep therapist to further discuss your night terrors. There is far more in this world than meets the eye, but still we should always begin with practical steps. Be well. jAk.

  4. Salaam,
    I’m currently going through something similar to what you have been through. I’m glad I found your writing because I thought it might be a psychological thing until I starting see dark figures that wouldn’t disappear so it because obvious to me that there I should consult our religious texts. I wake up a few times in the night because i’m not a deep sleeper but sometimes I’ll see ‘something’ and find myself to be nonstop screaming until it retreats. I have also been thrown from my bed a few times and have been petty hurt because of it. I think the scariest part it the screaming because I dont really fear what I see anymore which makes me wonder why i scream,,maybe it’s an impulse thing? Anyways, it has gotten better for a while but has come back which is strange because I make sure to recite all the surahs and duaa’s that will keep me safe. My father also has read quraan on me a few times but despite that I have still been experiencing the terrors. What do you suggest I do? I’m a student and this has been messing me up, I also hate that I keep frighting my family in the middle of the night although some of them claim that they’re used to it. Any advice?

    1. Hey Salaams. While your experiences are somewhat similar I’m not quite sure they’re the same. It’s very tough for me to say from afar. Would you definitely say your experiences are, in fact, the clinical definition of night terrors? If so, then as I mentioned in my piece the most important thing you can do is call upon God Almighty and fear nothing else, but Him. That’s the beauty of the notion that one should only fear God. It’s liberating. There is no longer anything on this earth or elsewhere to fear. One can spend a lifetime ruminating on the depth and beauty of such a notion.

      If what you’re experiencing is not quite the same, go see a sleep specialist or a therapist. Perhaps it’s a manifestation of stress or some ordeal from your past? Also, you might very well relate to the documentary, The Nightmare. It was very much a relief to witness other experience
      the exact same night terrors I’ve had. Be well. jAk.

  5. Assalamualaikum Masjidil jinn that I’ve just visited took me to your blog . JazakAllah for sharing . I’ve so many experiences with the jinn story alhamdullillah. Have faith and trust Allah ‘a plans .

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